Terms & Conditions of Membership
- Toys can be borrowed for a 2-week period.
- Members may borrow up to 4 toys at any one time
- All toys must only be used as intended, and all age and weight limits are followed.
- Toys are not to be left outside when not in use.
- Toys must be returned on time to ensure they are available for other members. Late toys will incur a charge of $3 per toy per week.
- All toys are hired with working batteries. If the batteries cease working while on loan, it is the member’s responsibility to replace them prior to returning the toy. Failure to do so will incur a $5 fee per toy.
- Toys should be checked for any damage or missing parts within 24 hours of being taken home and any issues immediately reported. Otherwise, any toys returned damaged or with missing parts will incur a repair or replacement fee to be decided by the committee.
- Members will not disguise breakages or repair toys themselves as this can result in safety issues. Please contact us to discuss repair options. If the damage is unable to be repaired, the member will be liable for the full replacement value.
- There is a $5 charge for lost pieces. If the lost piece is returned within two weeks, the lost piece fee will be credited to the member’s account. If the lost piece is vital to the toy, the member will be liable for the full replacement value.
- Toys must be returned in a clean condition using the cleaning guide provided in the Members Handbook. A $5.00 fee will be charged for toys returned uncleaned.
- If a member receives three penalty fees, the membership will be suspended until all fines are paid
- Repeated issues may result in termination of membership as at the committee's discretion.
- All monies deposited into the Rolleston Toy Library bank account must contain the membership number and last name in the reference section and the reason for the deposit (ie. ‘membership fees’, ‘late fees’) in the particulars section.
- We do not supply any helmets or other safety equipment, please ensure you use the appropriate safety equipment for the toys that are issued.
- Any person ceasing to be a member of the Rolleston Toy Library for any cause whatsoever nevertheless remains liable to the Library for all subscriptions and other monies which may have become due by such persons prior to termination of said membership.
- All members must agree to follow all health and safety procedures as advised by the Committee.
- The Rolleston Toy Library will be closed for four weeks over the Christmas period to allow the Committee to carry out an annual stock take.
- Memberships are not transferable.
- The Committee reserves the right to make changes to the Terms and Conditions as and when required.
Privacy Clause:
Any personal information provided will be added to the Toy Library membership list and used only by the Rolleston Toy Library Committee for Toy Library Business.
Liability Clause:
I assume complete and full responsibility for any and all injuries to any person or persons which result in whole or part from using the toys I borrow from this Toy Library. I hereby release the Rolleston Toy Library from any and all responsibility in respect of any injuries so sustained whether outside of or on the premises.